In addition to this, Pokeduel adds tons of other features/content such as
Standard: Play the game like a typical Fire Red playthrough. Boss battles will be easier and held items are virtually non existant on their teams
Targetted for people who want a casual playthrough or who don't consider themselves to be knowledgable in Pokemon.
Hard: Introduces dynamic levelling for certain boss fights so that they will always be on par with your team. Boss battles will have an optimal nature set for their monsters, and half their team will have held items. A monsters ability will be randomly chosen
Targetted for people who are experienced with Pokemon and wants a challenging experience
Brutal: The same as hard, except all monsters in boss battles will hold competitive items and their abilities will be preset. They will also be EV trained (if EV's are enabled)
Hardest way to play the game
Grind Options
Minimal Grind All monsters have max IV's and EV's are removed from the game
The recommended way to play the game
Semi Grind All monsters have max IV's, but EV's are still in the game
No EV's: Monsters will have random IV's, but EV's are removed from the game
Default: EV's and IV's are in the game as normal
Game Modes
Default The normal way to play the game without any gimmicks
Sandbox You can add any monster to your team at any time and gain access to infinite Ability Pills, Randomized Eggs, All Mart, Shiny Option
Speak to the boy in Viridian City
Pack Simulator Obtain monsters from pulling packs instead of capturing them
- You start off with 5 packs and get 8 packs every time you beat a Gym Leader
- Catching wild monsters becomes disabled
- Packs are opened in any Pokemon Center
- Legendaries can only be opened from the Master Pack
Randomizer Options
Boss battles will not have their teams randomized by default. This can be enabled by selecting Randomize Important Battles